BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

EncoderWinampAACplusStart Method

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
This method starts the actual AACplus encoder.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.Misc
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public override bool Start(
	IntPtr user,
	bool paused


Type: Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.EncENCODEPROC
Optional callback function to receive the encoded data (only valid, if OutputFile is set to )... = no callback. To have the encoded data received by a callback function, the encoder needs to be told to output to STDOUT (instead of a file), so SupportsSTDOUT must return true.
Type: SystemIntPtr
User instance data to pass to the callback function.
Type: SystemBoolean
Start the encoder paused? If , you might use Pause(Boolean) to unpause (and really start the encoder).

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Returns , if the encoder was successfully started - else is returned.


IBaseEncoderStart(ENCODEPROC, IntPtr, Boolean)

This method calls BASS_Encode_Start(Int32, String, BASSEncode, ENCODEPROC, IntPtr) internally using the EncoderCommandLine. After the encoder was started successfully the EncoderHandle returns a valid HENCODE handle. If the encoder was not started successfully or was stopped EncoderHandle returns 0 (zero).

This implementation starts the encoder with the BASS_ENCODE_NOHEAD and BASSEncode.BASS_ENCODE_FP_16BIT flag. So floating-point channels are supported and automatically converted - but 8-bit channels are not supported!.

If an encoder stops running prematurely, Stop should still be called to release resources that were allocated for the encoding.

See Also
