BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BASSVam Enumeration

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Voice allocation management flags. These flags enable hardware resource stealing... if the hardware has no available voices, a currently playing buffer will be stopped to make room for the new buffer.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public enum BASSVam

  Member nameValueDescription
BASS_VAM_HARDWARE1 Play the sample in hardware. If no hardware voices are available then the "play" call will fail
BASS_VAM_SOFTWARE2 Play the sample in software (ie. non-accelerated). No other VAM flags may be used together with this flag.
BASS_VAM_TERM_TIME4 If there are no free hardware voices, the buffer to be terminated will be the one with the least time left to play.
BASS_VAM_TERM_DIST8 If there are no free hardware voices, the buffer to be terminated will be one that was loaded/created with the BASS_SAMPLE_MUTEMAX flag and is beyond it's max distance. If there are no buffers that match this criteria, then the "play" call will fail.
BASS_VAM_TERM_PRIO16 If there are no free hardware voices, the buffer to be terminated will be the one with the lowest priority.

NOTE: only samples loaded/created with the BASS_SAMPLE_VAM flag are considered for termination by the DX7 voice management.
See Also
