BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

EncoderFAAC Fields

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The EncoderFAAC type exposes the following members.


Public fieldFAAC_Bandwidth
-c: Set the bandwidth in Hz (default: -1 automatic, i.e. adapts maximum value to input sample rate).
Public fieldFAAC_Bitrate
-b: Set average bitrate (ABR) to approximately bitrate in kbps.

Max. value is 152 kbps/stereo with a 16 kHz cutoff, can be raised with a higher -c FAAC_Bandwidth setting).

Public fieldFAAC_BlockType
--shortctl: Enforce block type (0 = both (default), 1 = no short; 2 = no long).
Public fieldFAAC_CustomOptions
The custom parameter string, which should be used, if the FAAC_UseCustomOptionsOnly property is set to .
Public fieldFAAC_EnableTNS
--tns: Enable coding of TNS, temporal noise shaping (default is ).
Public fieldFAAC_MpegVersion
--mpeg-vers: Force AAC MPEG version 2 or 4 (-1 use default).
Public fieldFAAC_NoMidSide
--no-midside: Don't use mid/side coding (default is ).
Public fieldFAAC_ObjectType
--obj-type: AAC object type. "LC" (Low Complexity, default), "Main" or "LTP" (Long Term Prediction).
Public fieldFAAC_Quality
-q: Set default variable bitrate (VBR) quantizer quality in percent.
Public fieldFAAC_RawBitstream
-r: Generate raw AAC bitstream (i.e. without any headers, default is ).
Public fieldFAAC_UseCustomOptionsOnly
Use the FAAC_CustomOptions parameter string only (default=).
Public fieldFAAC_UseQualityMode
Gets or Sets, if the Quality mode (FAAC_Quality) will be used (default is ).
Public fieldFAAC_WrapMP4
-w: Wrap AAC data in MP4 container (default is , generating an .m4a output).
See Also
