BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library


BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
BASS_VST_GetInfo(Int32, BASS_VST_INFO) writes some information about a vstHandle returned by BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(Int32, String, BASSVSTDsp, Int32) to this BASS_VST_INFO structure.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Vst
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

[StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public sealed class BASS_VST_INFO

The BASS_VST_INFO type exposes the following members.


Public methodBASS_VST_INFO
Default constructor.

Public methodToString
Returns a description string for the VST plugin info.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)

Public fieldaeffect
The underlying AEffect object (see the VST SDK).
Public fieldchannelHandle
Public fieldchansIn
Maximum number of possible input channels (should be at least 1 here).
Public fieldchansOut
Maximum number of possible output channels (should be at least 1 here).
Public fielddspHandle
The internal DSP handle.
Public fieldeditorHeight
Initial/current height of the embedded editor, see also BASS_VST_EDITOR_RESIZED in BASSVSTAction.

For a very few plugins, editorWidth and editorHeight may be 0 if the editor is not yet opened.

Public fieldeditorWidth
Initial/current width of the embedded editor, see also BASS_VST_EDITOR_RESIZED in BASSVSTAction.

For a very few plugins, editorWidth and editorHeight may be 0 if the editor is not yet opened.

Public fieldeffectName
The effect name (empty strings returned if a plugin does not provide these information).
Public fieldeffectVersion
The effect version (example 0x01010000 for version
Public fieldeffectVstVersion
The VST version, the effect was written for (example 0x02030000 for version
Public fieldhasEditor
Has this plugin an embedded editor?

If , the BASS_VST_EmbedEditor(Int32, IntPtr) method can be called.

Public fieldhostVstVersion
The VST version supported by BASS_VST (e.g. 2.4).
Public fieldinitialDelay
For algorithms which need input in the first place, in number of samples.
Public fieldisInstrument
=the VST plugin is an instrument, =the VST plugin is an effect.
Public fieldproductName
The product name (may be empty).
Public fielduniqueID
A unique ID for the effect (the IDs are registered at Steinberg).
Public fieldvendorName
The vendor name (may be empty).
Public fieldvendorVersion
The vendor-specific version number (example 0x01010000 for version

Some words to the number of input/output channels:

VST effects that have no input channels (so called "Instruments") are not loaded by BASS_VST. So you can assume chansIn and chansOut to be at least 1.

Multi-channel streams should work correctly, if supported by a effect. If not, only the first chansIn channels are processed by the effect, the other ones stay unaffected. The opposite, eg. assigning multi-channel effects to stereo channels, should be no problem at all.

If mono effects are assigned to stereo channels, the result will be mono, expanded to both channels. This behaviour can be switched of using the BASS_VST_KEEP_CHANS in BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(Int32, String, BASSVSTDsp, Int32).

See Also
