BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BassWinamp Class

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

Requires: bass_winamp.dll - Winamp Input plugins support Add-On - available @

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Winamp
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public sealed class BassWinamp

The BassWinamp type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_AboutPlugin
Shows the about dialog of the loaded Winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_ConfigPlugin
Shows the configuration dialog of the loaded Winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_FindPlugins
Gets a list of all winamp input plug-ins in a given directory.

If the BASS_WINAMP_FIND_COMMALIST flag was set it will automatically be removed.

Public methodStatic memberBASS_WINAMP_GetExtentions
Gets the supported file filter extensions of the given winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_GetExtentionsFilter
Gets the supported file filter extensions of the given winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_GetFileInfo
Returns information about a given file.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_WINAMP_GetIsSeekable
Returns weather the Winamp input plugin supports seeking?
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_GetName
Gets the name of the winamp input plugin.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_WINAMP_GetUsesOutput
Returns weather the Winamp input plugin make use of the winamp output?
Public methodStatic memberBASS_WINAMP_GetVersion
Gets the version of a loaded Winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_InfoDlg
Shows the Winamp input plugin information dialog for a given file (like pressing Alt+3 in Winamp).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_LoadPlugin
Loads a Winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_WINAMP_StreamCreate
Creates a stream from a Winamp input plug-in.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_WINAMP_UnloadPlugin
Unloads a Winamp input plug-in which had been loaded via BASS_WINAMP_LoadPlugin(String) before.
Public methodStatic memberFreeMe
Unloads this library. This must be called when you have previously called LoadMe.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe
Loads this library into memory. The library will be search in the current application directory.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe(String)
Loads this library into memory. The library will be loaded from the given path.

BassWinamp is an extention to the BASS audio library, providing a set of functions for adding Winamp Input plugins support. This adds more format support for the Bass library.

Currently the new BASS plugin system is not supported. So you need to call the BASS_WINAMP_StreamCreate(String, BASSFlag) method here directly.

See Also
