BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BASSFXChan Enumeration

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
DSP channels flags.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Fx
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public enum BASSFXChan

  Member nameValueDescription
BASS_BFX_CHANALL-1 All channels at once (as by default).
BASS_BFX_CHANNONE0 Disable an effect for all channels (resp. set the global volume of the BASS_BFX_VOLUME effect).
BASS_BFX_CHAN11 left-front channel
BASS_BFX_CHAN22 right-front channel
BASS_BFX_CHAN34 Channel 3: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN48 Channel 4: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN516 Channel 5: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN632 Channel 6: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN764 Channel 7: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN8128 Channel 8: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN9256 Channel 9: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN10512 Channel 10: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN111024 Channel 11: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN122048 Channel 12: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN134096 Channel 13: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN148192 Channel 14: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN1516384 Channel 15: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN1632768 Channel 16: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN1765536 Channel 17: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN18131072 Channel 18: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN19262144 Channel 19: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN20524288 Channel 20: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN211048576 Channel 21: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN222097152 Channel 22: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN234194304 Channel 23: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN248388608 Channel 24: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN2516777216 Channel 25: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN2633554432 Channel 26: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN2767108864 Channel 27: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN28134217728 Channel 28: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN29268435456 Channel 29: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).
BASS_BFX_CHAN30536870912 Channel 30: depends on the multi-channel source (see above info).

Multi-channel order of each channel is as follows:

3 channelsleft-front, right-front, center.
4 channelsleft-front, right-front, left-rear/side, right-rear/side.
6 channels (5.1)left-front, right-front, center, LFE, left-rear/side, right-rear/side.
8 channels (7.1)left-front, right-front, center, LFE, left-rear/side, right-rear/side, left-rear center, right-rear center.
See Also
