BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BassCdBASS_CD_SetOffset Method

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Sets the read offset of a drive.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Cd
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public static bool BASS_CD_SetOffset(
	int drive,
	int offset


Type: SystemInt32
The drive... 0 = the first drive.
Type: SystemInt32
The offset (in samples; bytes/4) to set.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
If successful, is returned, else is returned. Use BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.

This function can be used to compensate for the fact that most drives will read audio data from CDs at a slight offset from where they ideally should. Different drive models will have differing offsets, a list of which can be found at AccurateRip.

When a negative offset is used, reading the beginning of the first track will require accessing the lead-in, and when a positive offset is used, reading the end of the last track will require accessing the lead-out. The drive may not support that (overreading), in which case those parts will be replaced with silence.

Changes do not affect an existing CD stream, unless BASS_CD_StreamSetTrack(Int32, Int32) is called (and any sub-channel/C2 reading is using a CDDATAPROC).

See Also
